KZB13-14scan; ShaMANKIN Files
It\’s a few days late, but it\’s done now! Hurray! You\’ve been waiting for a while, but Dit\’s brought it to you again using Jezzy\’s scans…. Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang Volumes 13-14 extras in English! Yay!
You want 290.
Wait until \”sometime this weekend.\” Yeah, it\’s right around the corner, don\’t worry! Check back soon! But you know what could make it go faster? If we had a Japanese -> English translator. Post a comment in this news post if you are interested, or send me (andysislands) an e-mail or IM! It will really help us out alot! Thanks in advance if you are interested!
But, you say, \”I don\’t know Japanese, but I want to help!\” Well, you can! I\’m planning on starting up (or restarting back up) the \”Mankin Profile.\” Basically this is an online website, kinda like a wiki, with all the information you ever want to know about a ANY Shaman King character. That\’s anime, manga, and everything else! Tons of information will come from the Man.Ji.En, the Fanbook, and the upcoming Mantarite fanbook. So, instead of searching through all of your manga volumes, it can all be found on a simple webpage! Nice! But, we\’ll need your help. I\’m too busy to do it myself, so, you as fans, can help out! Basically, there will be a series of templates, you just need to fill in the information (in a .txt file, or a simple .html page, which you could open in a text editor) and fill in the info! Simple! Plus there may be some image work needed as well (taking screen caps, finding images from the manga, .etc). Sound like fun! Work as a team!? Yeah! There is no \”hiring process,\” more along the lines of a forum will be created, and you just work on a page, and post it. Do at your own pace. But, before I get started on it. I want to know if people are interested in working on something like this. Post a comment in this topic if you are interested in either seeing it be completed AND/OR if you are willing to work on this project (the second choice is the more important one). If we can get enough people, I can set this project in motion.
French version sample:
(of course we\’ll be working on an English version which would be modified from that)