Home Legacy News Mankin-Trad needs a helper person

Mankin-Trad needs a helper person

Hey. This news post is a little later than I orginally wanted, but oh well, here it is.

In the next few months, we are going to have some other non-SK chapter things happening. But they will still be Shaman King related. But either way, we have a new “job” opening. The official title is…

“Shaman King manga quote continuity expert”

And we need at least one, if not two people to be part of this job. You may ask, why do we need this job, and what needs to be done. In a nutshell, when there is a flashback, there is often a key quote that is used. Of course, it only makes sence to have the quote be exactly the same from when it was orginally said and when it was in the flashback. Your (future) mission will be to go find what the orginal line was, and make sure it’s used in the flash back correctly. Now for the details of the “job…”
– You must be able to do at least 30 frames a week
– All quotes will be from past English releases (so, you need to have them)
– If Viz has released a Shaman King volume which contains the quote, you must use the Viz quote (not the scanlation quote). This means you need to own Volumes 1-13 of the Shaman King manga in English.
– Formating must be used exactly as listed below.
– When quoting, you must be sure to use the exact syntax as is in the manga. If they put “…!!!,” that’s exactly what you put down, don’t trim it down to “!” or anything. It must be exactly the same.

You may be saying, ah, this isn’t too bad, “it’s just looking up some quotes.” You’re right, it’s not too hard, for the easy frames. Some of them will be alot harder. So you need to have a photographic memory, and be able to just look at one frame and know where it came from (at least the volume number, to give you a good starting point). I just don’t have the time to be doing this, along with other stuff.

If you want to “apply” for this job, first look at this image:
Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

The formating needs to be listed exactly as below (include the “Volume #:”):
Volume #:
Chapter #:
Vol Page #:
Chap Page #:
The quote:

The “Vol page” is the page in the volume (such as page 100). The chapter page is the page within just that chapter (such as page 3). If the quote is two lines, or two bubbles, put each line on a different line. If it’s from Volumes 1-13, of course you’ll use the Viz release. I need this level of accuracy, just for double checking.

So, if you still want this “job,” take a look at that image above. And complete this “job” just like you have the “job.” Follow the instructions to a “T.” E-mail me your answers to this “test page” before Saturday 15th 11:59pm EST. Getting these things every week, and in a timely manner ensures that in the following week, the project won’t be delayed. To e-mail me you can click on “Posted by andysislands” just under the news post topic title. Or go to the “contact” page and e-mail it to ONLY andysislands. Just check my name box, and no more. None of the other admins can help you.

(This is not a for hire job. You will not be paid for your services. Accepting this “job” means you are doing this on your own free time, and such)