Home Legacy News Summer of Oops

Summer of Oops

Kang Zeng Bang Extras 7~8
Uhh… the latest Jumbor chapter is still in typesetting. When it’s done, it will be released. It just so happens, it won’t be this weekend. Sorry.

But, we do have English Scanlations of the Kang Zeng Bang (reprint) volumes 7-8! Yay! Dit is going on a little break for a while. Which is cool. So, we won’t have anymore English scanlations of these for a while. Probably start back up with Volume 9-10, in Sept. No, we aren’t stopping, just on hait until Dit comes back to continue translating. If you can translate Japanese -> English, and want to help, e-mail me, and we can work something out.

Speaking of Volumes 9-10, Jezzy is working on scanning them. But since there won’t be English scanlations, there is no real rush to get them scanned in and rushed over to Dit. So, yes, those will come at some point, just wait.

So yeah… I tricked you, when you see images you think “Yes, an update!” but today’s was mostly just “please wait.” Oh well. A brand new Manta’s Bargain Bin tomorrow! Make sure to check that out!