Welcome Back to Mankin-Trad!
It’s been a few weeks of transition, but welcome back to Mankin-Trad! While the website design hadn’t really changed that much over the last decade… it was finally time for a much needed upgrade. Let’s run down the list of the brand new features:
- Huge back-end website upgrades
- User account creation!
- New discussion threads on every series and chapter!
- Automatic chapter reading history
- A “dark mode” for reading chapters
- Classic paged style reading and the new list scroll reading style
- Restructured releases to make it easier to read
But we aren’t done yet! There are some more improvements and updates that will be made behind the scenes as well. We’ll also work on fixing some bugs (like with https) along the way too.
So thanks for sticking around, be sure to help support the all of the series, and look forward to the new releases coming out soon.