Shaman King Remix Track 02
And today we have the second Remix Track. It’s a bit shorter than the first track. And the third track will be just as short. But don’t worry they get longer next week. Track 3 will be out this weekend. Not sure when track 4-5 will be out, but sometime next week for sure. Maybe a double release! Either way, enjoy! And be sure to purchase the manga in any form you can. Or buy it multiple times! We do that, so you should too! Show your support, that’s the most important thing!
UPDATE: Oops. I messed up again. Version up on the website is considered “version 2.” No naming changes, but this time the right version. If you have downloaded the chapter, please do so again with the correct version. If you are reading it online… read it again (if you want too). Maybe for chapter 3 I’ll get it right the first time….
UPDATE 2: Ok, seriously. This is the final version (for now, I hope!). Updated one more time. I only changed one word. Kinda an important one. Of course it occurs to me this morning, and even looking at it during QC I missed it…. Bah. Again, sorry for the mistake (again). Let’s see if we can make Track 3 a bit smoother…