Working towards the End
Hey guys! It’s me, andysislands! And I just wanted to give a nice big post on the main site about the status of Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang Chapter 300! Basically right now, it’s not done. We believe in a higher quality for our releases, so we aren’t going to make it look bad. As such, chapter 300 contains color pages. However, the public raw makes them look really, really bad. So, Jezzy will be scanning in some pages for us, which is completely awesome. As a result, the color pages will actually look like the original pages, not dull, uncrisp versions. So, that’s going to be really nice. Also, like at the end of volume 32 of the original Shaman King manga, Takei left us with some final thoughts, Dit hasn’t finished that yet, so for completion sake I wanted to add that as well.
Now, here comes the tricky part… both Jezzy and Dit’s computers both blew up. So, both of them have a really hard time to get online, if at all. As a result, those two pieces are currently being put on hold. Plus, all three of us have things we need to take care in our lives, and that always comes first. So, chapter 300 can’t make any progress until we get both of them back. And I wish them the very best of luck to get their computers back up to speed quickly! I will have updates in this news post (or following news posts as needed), when I know more information. Also read staff comments as well (which have a grey background!).
But there is more stuff being worked on as well. Shaman King Bonus Chapter: Snake’s Legs will be completed soon. Shaman King: Flowers chapter 1 will be worked on soon as well. Plus there is another new series (not Takei related) that will start up very soon as well. Also, on our MangaHelpers page, I’ll be uploading some more raws (of non-Takei mangas, which may or may not be future Mankin-Trad projects, aka: need a translator).
So, it might appear slow here, but we got things coming. Chapter 300 will be coming, just wish the best of luck to both Jezzy and Dit. Also, as a note to people in the comments, don’t dare blame either of them for any delays. This was just some bad luck, and if you have some problems with Mankin-Trad related things, please contact me. Thanks. I’ll keep you all posted!
Updates from Staff via comments:
Jezzy: I’m trying my very best to get my scans up (I really should have done this a long time ago, but I need a razor to separate two of the pages) before next Tuesday, since I’m leaving, and I really don’t want to make you guys wait until the 19th or later. That’s really not fair. I can understand you being all grrr about that.
So yeah. I have a computer whiz on my side, so hopefully between the two of us, we can get everything back.
Dit: Regards from… Germany? lol
I’ll finally be back home next week, which means Takei’s final letter is coming soon!
But first I need my laptop alive D: (A storm killed the poor thing, you know…)
Thanks for the cheerings, cards and everything, you guys are awesome
Kamisama: I’m still here, and my computer is very healthy …. mouhahahaha