KZB266: A Real Manly Chapter
As promised, here\’s the next new chapter, Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang Chapter 266!
Raws for both of these chapters are on the way! Plus, we got some other releases coming down the road to hold you off until our next official Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang chapter release, Chapter 287, \”Good Morning Mu!\” Our official release will be the entire chapter, not just the 15 page preview which is out now in Japan. We will have just as HQ scans for our next release, and that should hopefully be in a faster time frame than this chapter! So, it will be at least another week before we\’ll have the next Shaman King Kang Zeng Bang chapter ready, but that doesn\’t mean we won\’t be doing other stuff until then! Please look forward to it!