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My Declaration

June 15th, 2008.

I, andysislands, on this date of Sunday June 15th, 2008, in the middle of the night, make a declaration right here and now. This statement is needed, and has not been created on the whim. Without further ado, I claim the following; There shall be at least* one new** Jyuki Ningen Jumbor chapter every weekend*** until it’s completion****.

* there will be at minimum 1 chapter, and probably a max of 2.
** this includes HQ remakes (which would be chapters 1-3)
*** weekend starting 12:01amEST Friday morning and ending whenever I go to sleep on Sunday night / Monday morning
**** the standard chapters 1-10. There will probably be a delay for the Jumbor Extras and/or volume release (which will contain all the volume extras)

There. I said it. You know what this site’s been missing? Real manga chapters. Now I have declared. Now we’ll get some! Oh, yeah, this means it starts now. So, by tomorrow night, at least Jumbor Chapter 1 will be released! Chapters 2 and probably 3 will be ready for next week. But you say chapter 2 is in QC already!? Well, yeah. But you know what? Exotica translations are in. And I proclaimed. Jumbors are on weekends. Unless Chapter 2 is tomorrow night as well…. unlikely. But they’re just HQ remakes. So if you are going for collecting… these versions would be better… but wait until the volume release, since those will be even better. But if you haven’t read Jumbor yet, start reading with these HQ remakes, which have been proclaimed. Or declared. Or whatever.

That’s it. It’s been done. Come back tomorrow to see me actually get something done!