Home Legacy News Chapter 258

Chapter 258

Volume 29 was a great ending spot.
Volume 30, is the begining of the end. I guess you can kinda break it up into two parts, or you could lump it alltogether to make it feel shorter. What ever floats your boat.

I haven’t desided on a title yet. It’s one of those titles where it’s simple, you can say it differently. So everybody puts their own flair on it. And so will we.

Shaman King Chapter 258

UPDATED: Question!
Do you want translation notes on weird Japanese ways of saying things (and comparively equal ways of saying basically the same thing in English)?

I use a couple “big words” in scanlations. Because they make it cool. And the language in SK is always very complex, so I try to move that over into the English version the best I can. Would you rather me put down some notes for these “complex” words? Or would you rather have the page be “clean,” and less notes? Or just move it to the credits page? Post your opinion in this news post.

(Post your vote in this news posts comments. No set dead line for voting, but at some point I’ll count them up, and see which one is higher. Please vote only once.)